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Aogiri Gallus Day (Pixiv Fanbox)


Wholesome ryona is an interesting idea! It is thanks to pedro I figure the two sandwiching Maogiri's shaft! This is a super hot piece in my opinion! I loved this!

A classic 'Anra came too much in her' moments! Maybe i shud make him the next character day to have the jizziest character

Ruthless as ever, drawing Aogiri's expression to pain and pleasure is a challenge but It's definitely worth it and I had to pick Haff's comment.

Well this ain't fair, I really love Bora too much to say no :' ) all these comments make decisions difficult

Vare, you can ask for only one X^D nonetheless, huge thanks for commenting!! <3

This is super funny to draw, had a good chuckle drawing this. TIME FOR PAYBACK XP

Another one of my favourite after the first piece, if i got the chance to, i really want to do more Maogiri and Aogiri ryonas. The two siblings are the best <3

I remember Jeroski's comment came in last minute and super late and im suffering a goddamn dilemma if I shud draw this or not. In the end, more charlend is good, hence i drew it <3

Next week's theme shall be Anra Hylia!

Similar with before, feel free to put ur suggestion in the comments and I will pick minimum 3 of my favourite comments! :D

Wholesome? Ryona? Gyaku Ryona? Lewd? you name it, I'll try it!

Thank you all so much for providing suggestion!

Rule for suggestion:

-Please use only BBW (priority) or RWBY characters, if you don't know the names you may provide description.

-Please follow the theme, if today's theme is Maogiri please kindly stick with it.

-Comment not following these rules are not entertained

-Please take no offense if your work is not chosen as I will be using randomizer or my own preference.

I promised myself to avoid doing more than 3 but i can't help it!!


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