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Remnant Rumble Part Finale (Pixiv Fanbox)


Few things to mention before I talk more about this work; First of all, thank you all so much for the comments, discussion, likes, pledging and enjoying the works! Great thanks to my writer, Kite, for encouraging me, helping me and supporting me. This series would not be a thing without his help! Second, if the way this fight ends does not satisfy you or disappoint you, sorry for that! However, I am doing this for a particular story reason that I temporarily don't want to spoil :'D because I sense people will be annoyed at the result, I tried my best to insert as many ryona onto the main characters as much as possible even though it wouldnt make sense they'd win thereafter! Hence, I hope you would enjoy the process leading to the result than the result itself! Third, Full version exclusively available in Blessing Donation is exactly the same as all 27 parts all put together, you don't necessarily need to pledge to that expecting extras. That version is meant as a 'thank you gift' for people who pledged higher is all. Fourth, before the beginning of Ultra Aries DnD, Aogiri day will be posted, Therefore, it's best to expect the event to start on the 26th of October 2022. (I hope you all didn't forget about her :' D ) Conclusion, seriously thank you all for supporting the series. Through your donation, you helped yourself and everyone including those who do not have money to support or commission the series to be able to read the series publicly for free. Remnant Rumbles, Beast Brawl Wrestling and Ultra Aries owes you, the supporters, for the enjoyment get to share together upon completion! See you guys again next week! -Love, ArsonicHawt



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