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【限定】トキちゃんに搾られる動画① (Fantia)



いつも応援ありがとうございます! トキちゃん動画です(4分) 構成はタツマキ動画みたいな感じです また、差分作ってるときにあれ?構図同じじゃん!!って思いました....... 三人称視点があまり好きじゃないのでどうしても似ちゃいますね 今回はちょっと予定より長くなっちゃいました FANBOXはこちらです https://pastakudasai.fanbox.cc/posts Thank you for your support! Here is Toki's video (4 minutes) The composition is like a Tatsumaki video! Also, when I was making the difference, what's that? I thought, "The composition is the same! I thought ....... I don't really like the third person viewpoint, so I can't help but see the similarities. This one was a little longer than I had planned. FANBOX is here! https://pastakudasai.fanbox.cc/posts



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