vote result reward 202501-1 AND notice (Pixiv Fanbox)
vote result reward 202501-1
laplace darkness [144]
pokemon sun&moon- Suiren(Lana) [171]
Re: zero - Emilia(l○li ver.) [193 ★]
pokemon sun&moon- Mao(Mallow) [84]
voting power
Follower -x1
500yen- x2
800yen- x2
1600yen- x3
2500,3000,4000yen- x4
★★★Notice on adjusting the voting balance
1. Last time, I allowed people other than subscribers to vote, but due to many cases of manipulation and abuse, I decided to eliminate this method
2. Adjusting the voting power - I will change the voting power for all tiers to x1.
Many people have pointed out that the upper tiers can participate in voting for the lower tiers, and this is causing a widening gap between the tiers. From now on, instead of setting the voting power for all tiers to 1, I will clearly state the benefits of the upper tiers (participating in voting for the lower tiers).
3. I will not conduct voting if they have special recognition or draw trendy characters. This is because highly popular characters can ruin the voting balance.
4. Unifying tags (for example, unifying all characters added to the vote to loli.ver)
Thank you.