Kobayashi's Dragon Maid - Kanna Kamui( part2 ) (Pixiv Fanbox)
hello. Unfortunately, it seems that the amount of rewards will be temporarily reduced during March. Since I am moving to a quite distant region, there are some things I need to prepare. In addition, participation in reserve forces convocation and relatives' events overlap. Because of this, work time will be reduced. Since I usually spend most of my time drawing reward work, it will be quite difficult to keep up with my personal schedule in March. Instead of reducing the amount of rewards, we will keep the number of uploads similar.
I'm also suspending character voting for the month of March. Instead, it will probably be a lineup of most of your favorite characters. (Anya, Becky, etc.)
Thank you for your support and understanding.
I will try to be better cunny.
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all content can be viewed via archives on the Discord server. All content strictly follows the Pixiv fanbox rules.
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If you have problem, please report to me pixiv DM or discord.
Divided into three parts.
Total Composition:
10 more PNG variations
3PSD files