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[Progress] Ultragirl Aries: Sagittarius Rescue Arc (Pixiv Fanbox)


Hello Hello~!

As mentioned before, I'm going to halt art for a bit and instead showcase everyone what I am doing for these past few weeks. Hope you can take this as a behind the scene or a student's boring presentation! Regardless, I'm rather proud of the progress made these past few weeks.

[一下是翻譯自 DeepL,翻譯不一定準確]




Though Romanza already has an early concept design, I've never really considered her much in detail. Due to the fact that Muscario have a lot of gas ability, I'm trying to limit myself from overusing powers like the previous DnD and focus more on the seggs and ero part of the comic.

I also wanted her to create an army to create a sense of urgency towards the heroes so I designed the minion based on my minor disgusts towards infants. In the future, I also want the mutants to be a disfigured, uncanny version of us since the whole premise of BBW and UA has been nuclear-war post-apocalyptic of our universe.

雖然 Romanza 已經有了早期的概念設計,但我從來沒有仔細考慮過她。由於 Muscario 有很多gas能力,我試著限制自己不要像之前的 DnD 過度使用能力,而更專注於漫畫中的 seggs 和 ero 部分。

我也希望她能創造一支軍隊,讓英雄們產生緊迫感,所以我根據我對嬰兒的小反感來設計小兵。在未來,我也希望變種人是我們的毀容版,因為 BBW 和 UA 的整個前提都是我們宇宙的核戰後末日。


Because I didn't really properly draw the lead up to the previous chapters and also the ending, I basically spent weeks redrawing the comic pages to a similar style of page to page visual novels.



這是根據我在 Ultra DnD 活動開始前所畫的漫畫來解釋第一章之後 Amelia 和 Kishzu 所發生的事。整個序列有十二頁,所以就像是一個真正的短篇故事頁面。


After Amelia was rescued, I wanted to add an in-between story between Amelia and the other heroes to showcase their relationship more than just blogs and text. Though this 20 page text is not really important, I think it can help audience imagine the character's relationship with each other rather than a ryona or reverse ryona meat machines.

在 Amelia 獲救之後,我想加入一個 Amelia 和其他英雄之間的中間故事,以展示他們之間的關係,而不只是部落格和文字。雖然這 20 頁的文字其實並不重要,但我認為它可以幫助觀眾想像角色之間的關係,而不是ryona或反ryona肉機。


If you all remember the big event of Ultra Dnd, this is essentially the remake version of the introduction for Ultra Sagittarius vs Muscario! Since during the page by page progress of the rescue Arc, I will post the entire chapter for public, I basically HAVE to rush this as well.

如果大家還記得 Ultra Dnd 的大事件,這基本上就是 Ultra Sagittarius vs Muscario 的介紹的重拍版!由於在逐頁進行拯救弧光的過程中,我會將整個章節公諸於世,所以基本上我也必須趕在這之前完成。

CHAPTER 4- After Muscario vs Sagittarius

Here comes the spicy part~ Though there's a good ending and bad ending version of the DnD, the story now continues the bad ending version of the fight.

Before the start of the arc, I plan to make a cold opening before the story begins. Here, Romanza will show how she absorbs Ultra Sagittarius's juice while keeping him revitalized.

This will be posted 5 by 5 pages when the draft is completed. When the time comes, I may allow some comments to slip their creativity in. :P


在弧線開始之前,我打算在故事開始前做一個冷場開場。在這裡,Romanza將展示她如何吸收 Ultra Sagittarius 的汁液,同時讓他保持活力。

這將會在草稿完成後貼出 5 乘 5 頁。屆時,我可能會讓一些評論把他們的創意溜進來。

CHAPTER 5- Rescue Sagittarius Arc

Now that humanity is threatened by the invasion of mutants birthed by Romanza, the ultras are sent to Romanza to deal with Kaiju! Currently still drafting at page 140 and probably still ongoing. When the draft is completed, I will make a post and begin the progress of week by week updates like before (this might probably take a week or two to complete the drafts as it's constantly reviewed and redrawn)

現在人類受到由 Romanza 所孕育的變種人入侵的威脅,ultras 被派往 Romanza 對付 Kaiju!目前仍在起草第 140 頁,可能仍在進行中。當草稿完成後,我會發表一篇文章,並開始像以前一樣每週更新的進度(這可能需要一、兩週的時間來完成草稿,因為要不斷審閱和重新繪製)。

Chapter 6- After Rescuing Sagittarius

-No Image Yet-

There will be a few extra pages (probably 20 pages or 60 if i'm unlucky to avoid overworking, jkjk) to close the chapter and hint at the new one. As of right now it's only in text (with spoiler for the main story hence I cannot reveal) so there's nothing to show here, unfortunately.


將會有一些額外的頁面(可能是 20 頁或 60 頁,如果我運氣不好,為了避免工作過度,jkjk)來結束這一章,並暗示新的一章。目前只有文字內容(因為我不能透露主要故事的劇透),所以很遺憾,這裡沒有任何東西可以展示。

In Conclusion

For those TLDR, I am currently drafting page 140 of the main novel. I basically will either post small art to entertain everyone until I manage to finish drafting literally everything. When the time comes, I will post 5 page per week similarly to before with some parts where I will allow comment to add extra to the comic :D

There's a minor delay in the comic due to my grandfather passing away (at the age of 95 surrounded by loved ones in his home, quite literally smiling three times before he left so we had a 'congratulatory funeral') the week before last and I've spent a week in hometown without touching a single page, so I have a lot of catch up to do!

Regardless, thank you all for the support and I hope you all enjoyed the behind the scene of Ultragirl Aries so far, your financial support is what kept me able to continue this much content without fear of ending up homeless. Hopefully this will qwell the 'WHY ISNT THE MAIN STORY OUT YET' curiousity that's probably boiling within you, for that, my sincere apology ><''

對於那些 TLDR(太长不读),我目前正在起草主要小說的第 140 頁。在我完成所有的草圖之前,我基本上都會張貼一些小圖來娛樂大家。當時間到了之後,我會像以前一樣每週發表 5 頁,有些部分我會允許評論為漫畫添加額外的內容 :D

由於我的祖父在前週過世(95 歲高齡,在家中親人的陪伴下離世,離世前還笑了三次,所以我們舉行了「祝賀葬禮」),我在老家待了一個星期,沒有碰過任何一頁,所以我有很多事情要趕!

無論如何,謝謝大家的支持,也希望大家喜歡Ultragirl Aries的幕後故事。希望這能滿足您心中沸騰的「為什麼主線故事還沒出來」的好奇心,為此,我誠摯地向您道歉 ><''


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