Before initiate lowblow part 6, I want to introduce you a few new ultra characters :D I originally wanted to make a comic introducing them but it's impossible with this schedule and would be a waste to go through Part 6 without the new characters!
Without further ado,
Ultra Taurus
Ceros of Belua was one of the earlier member of Absolute Zero alongside Aramoana of Merewifen (Ultra Pisces) and Rhodhea of Plantae (Ultra Virgo). However, his ultra's berserk and destructive nature led to a minor chaos and destruction on Belua. Despite General Leonhardt's plea for him to stay, he opted to leave and hide in Verenigde to spare civilization from his uncontrollable destruction and protect Lacatilla and Animalia from afar.
Among all the ultras, he is the strongest who can easily defeat Ultra Pisces but his mental strength is too weak to even control his own powers. As such, he usually needs Ultra Virgo by his side during transformation.
Ultra Virgo
Rhondea of Plantae was an exiled princess who left Plantae after rejecting the hermit lifestyle plantae enforces. When she joined Absolute Zero, she acted as a mother to the group and was close with Aramoana but left with Ceros as she is one of the few who can calm his uncontrollable anger with her aphrodisiac pollen powers.
Though she is weak physically (slightly stronger than Ultra Sagittarius) but her ability to drain and manipulate her opponent's mind makes her one of the most powerful Ultras.
Concept art:
Ultra Gemini
Stellio or Stellia of Verenigde was rescued by Ultra Taurus when they were nearly eaten by a Mutated Kaiju, since then they devoted themself to Ceros even though he refused them multiple times. Depending on the temperature of their body, Stellio will appear when warm and Stellia will appear when warm, changing gender along with their personality. Stellio is a timid-coward while Stellia is bold and brash.
Though Stellio/Stellia are one body with two personality, they both share only one Ultra who acts as a mediator between the two. The male has power emphasizing on speed while the female has power emphasizing on strength that rivals Ultra Taurus.
Here's your favourite part, a lowblow compilation of Ultragirl Aries characters~!
I would like to start off the mini compilation with Female Wrestlers only first. In later posts I intend to include Male of UA lowblows! It's gonna be a long one hehe ^^
Extra rules:
1.Victim have to be Female Ultragirl Aries characters
2.If comments before you already recommended the Ultragirls you wanted, you'd have higher chance picking different ultragirls as I would prefer to draw multiple ultra ryona instead of one character getting lowblow over and over. So please pay attention to existing comments.
3. Bora and Umashi are not ryona-able
4.Opponents may be Male or Female Ultra or Monsters (from UA)
5.Groin Claw, Weapons, Buildings are considered lowblows [as long as it's not a weapon that will induce bleeding or cutting like a knife]. Breast attack are not counted as I think it's better in a separate day for that :D
6.Non Wrestling settings such as Kitchen-Parking Lot-Bar-Office-Living Room are allowed so you may go creative on this end as long as visual reference are provided ^^
7.Insertion of weapon or of gen-talia into anal/vagi-na are not considered lowblow at least for This Day. Basically this isn't a sex move. Because this is a lowblow move and not a sex move, characters should not be cumming/orgasming :o
8.Art may be change from the comments a little bit if the ideas are really good but not befitting the idea of The Day.
Characters Available for Ryona
Rule for suggestion:
-Please follow the theme, if today's theme is Maogiri please kindly stick with it.
-Comment not following these rules are not entertained
-Please take no offense if your work is not chosen as I will be using randomizer or my own preference.
Characters Available:
Any character that is already designed in Remnant Rumble, you may feel free to scroll through my pixiv to see what is designed and what isn't~!