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UltraAries- Human version (Pixiv Fanbox)


"When chosen by the transformative device, the chosen ultras will suddenly have an alter ego usually named after the 12 horoscope. As of now, we have found Ultra Pisces, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Aries, four of which agreed to work with us. Though, we found Ultra Taurus and Ultra Virgo, they refused to work together and chose to reside in Verenigde in hiding.

The beholder of Ultra Pisces, Aramoana from Merewifen were the first to known chosen Ultra. A strong, diligent and disciplined woman who spent most of her time training and is seemingly the big sister of the group. Though, she is seen scolding Icarus a lot, she cares the yellow bird the most. However, she now cares for Amelia as much as Icarus. Aramoana never seem to talk about Ultra Pisces much, she did mention before that Ultra Pisces are very absent minded and never pay much attention to everything, as such Aramoana have to remind the mission brief to Ultra Pisces again after briefing.

Icarus of Rolka succeeded his mother who was killed by a Kaiju and now holds the power of Ultra Sagittarius. Icarus mentioned his alter ego does not remember his time with his mother and he, himself is too young to remember what his mother is like except through Aramoana's description of her. As Aegil's younger brother, he decided to take up the device to protect her from kaijus. Annoyingly, Icarus would argue with Ultra Sagittarius a lot because of the immature and selfish ideas he would give thought sometimes the equally immature and prideful Icarus would listen to the bad ideas as well.

During his studies on Verenigde with Titus the researcher, Lanel of Erlot came across the device and was chosen to be Ultra Aquarius. Despite the fact that he spent most of his time isolated in his studies and talking to Ultra Aquarius, he is considered a wise brother to the group and recently spent more time with Amelia in cafes. Ultra Aquarius is described to be calm and full of curiosity, as such Lanel would spend his time answering his questions.

Daughter of the current Minister of Land and King of Belua, Amelia of Belua usually was locked in her room by her overprotective father until the daughter of Heroine of Belua, Charlend, pulled her out of her cage to play outside. She accidentally found the device in her father's office one day and found herself chosen by the device as Ultra Aries. Though her father heavily objects it, she, for once, decided for herself that she wishes to defend Belua from Kaijus to protect her best friend, Charlend. According to Amelia, Ultra Aries is rather innocent and childlike and acts like a younger sister Amelia never had."

-General Leonhardt's Report on the Four Defenders


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