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Owen Range Day (Pixiv Fanbox)


I just want him to squeeze Bei Hu and Chang Yue's groin <3

Next week's theme shall be...?

Three NEW Ultras!

Similar with before, feel free to put ur suggestion in the comments and I will pick minimum 3 of my favourite comments! :D

Wholesome? Ryona? Gyaku Ryona? Lewd? you name it, I'll try it!

Ultra Pisces is a swordfish girl who is strong but is slow on land but is exceptionally fast and strong underwater! The Headquarter would usually send her against monsters threatening underwater but sometimes if the monsters require great strength. That's when Ultra Pisces shows up!

Ultra Aries is a great balance of using energy and martial arts despite her naivety in most situations. She also get tired less easier and have more energy to fight on due to her lack of energy useage! Hence, she's deemed master against land monsters if she's more well-trained in martial arts! Ultra Aries is a sheep girl during her daily lives.

Ultra Sagittarius, youngest yellow jay, can give teammates energy and master of energy manipulation such as firing beam or fire! However, despite his variety of energy manipulation and the fastest ultra among the three, he is the weakest physically and tires out faster than both Ultra Pisces and Ultra Aries. As such, headquarter would use him as a last resort against monsters or stealth missions during battles!

Feel free to criticize the design in the comments and tell me who is your favourite!

Rule for suggestion:

-Please use only Ultra Aries, BBW (priority) or RWBY characters, if you don't know the names you may provide description.

-Please follow the theme, if today's theme is Maogiri please kindly stick with it.

-Comment not following these rules are not entertained

-Please take no offense if your work is not chosen as I will be using randomizer or my own preference.

Thank you all so much for providing suggestion!


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