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【R18】団長の弱点 (Pixiv Fanbox)


町人2人が王立騎士団の団長の弱点について盛り上がっています👀 感じすぎて一気に勃っちゃうより、ちょっとづつ感じ始めて少しづつムクッてしていくのいいですよね… 自同人誌のオリキャラ、騎士団長のライオスさん。 めっちゃ胸弱そうって話をしていて、たしかに弱そうだなと思ったので揉ませてみました。 騎士団長さんは城下町の町民にも大人気です。 ⭐支援Plus以上の方用:勃起・射精差分+PSDファイル https://ebitendon.fanbox.cc/posts/1507904 ----------------------------------------------------------- [Words in illustration] *Two townspeople are speculating about the weak spot of the Captain of the Royal Knights A:Captain Laios of the Royal Knights is so cool.. I love the feeling of having no weak spot or flaws. B:Weakspots...hmm... maybe those ample, manly pecs are his weakspots... A:I know! They'e very comfortable to rub, and that's why it's his weak spot. B:Definitely. He'll probably start to respond a little bit more as he's being rubbed and held. I can't stop fantasizing about it. A:I'm sure he wouldnt get what's going on, he'll get confused why that part of his got much bigger. B:Nice, I like it.... I bet the Captain's got a big and magnificent one . A:I'm sure, rather than being rubbed, he'd be more sensitive to his nipples being pinched B:Yes, indeed! Well, even the best-trained pecs don't work out to the tip, I suppose. ----------------------------------------------------------- 気に入っていただけたら「⭐お気に入り」をポチっとしてもらえると励みになりますъ(`ー゜)



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