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12月の投票/December Vote! (Pixiv Fanbox)


Hello! It's almost Christmas, I hope everybody has a fantastic time! Unfortunately, I still haven't started working on the project I've been meaning to but I want to get it started before then! Please choose among the following 選択してください: 1- Sesshouin Kiara/殺生院キアラ 「FGO」 2- Renkawa Cherino/連河チェリノ  「Blue Archive/ブルーアーカイブ」 3- Shuten-Douji/酒呑童子 「FGO」 4- Illya/イリヤ 「FGO」 5- UMP9 「Girls' Frontline (少女前線)/ドールズフロントライン」



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